Fall Festival 2015 Planning
The Fall Festival at CtK will be Friday October 30, 2015.
This year, we will have our layout from last year's fall festival generally the same. We will have games in classrooms, bouncers/art activities/ECDC's duck pond in the Family Activity Center, food to be served in the cafeteria, silent auction/tables for eating/bingo in the gym. We plan to move the photo booth to the gym as well. We may make some changes to location of games and add/change a couple. Stay tuned for more details......
We could really use more reliable volunteers the night of the Fall Festival! Parents are expected to spend at least one volunteer hour during the night which will include class booths/assignments; however, we could also benefit from volunteers that are willing to dedicate more time throughout the night with possible assignments as follows: ticket sales, game monitoring/prize refilling, photo booth support, etc. We would also love to have anyone who is in law enforcement to volunteer during the night - in uniform or under cover.
We will be asking classes to provide candy and prizes for the Fall Festival. It was agreed by the committee and administration that multiple hours for candy donations will not be accepted because we really need man power the night of the Fall Festival.
CtK will not have school that Friday, and we will be preparing for the Fall Festival all day so volunteers are welcome all day and night! If you are unable to volunteer this day, we have other jobs the weeks prior, including candy/prize collection from classrooms, counting raffle tickets from each class (the class the sells the most wins a pizza party!), game prep, etc.
Students/families will be asked to sell Raffle Tickets for the fall festival. We could use more prizes if you can secure a donation whether you donate something yourself, can contact a business or have a connection somewhere! See our Thank You poster on the previous post to see where we obtained donations from last year! These sponsors donated for the raffle, silent auction, and/or prizes given throughout the night for bingo/games. We will also soon have a post for what we've been given so far this year.
Families within each class will also be expected to come up with a themed Silent Auction Basket. This will be coordinated by the room parents. Please be on the lookout for information from your room parent/s and donate as you are able! It's really neat to see what a class can come up with!
We have created Google Surveys that people can complete to inform us of whether you have a Raffle/Silent Auction donation and how you would like to volunteer. The QR codes can be found in the school's newsletter, the CtK Connection, or you can find the links in the first 2 posts of this blog. If you are unable to get those to work for you, volunteers/donation providers can always email us at fallfestivalctk@gmail.com.
Email us with any questions, new ideas or concerns that you may have. We are super excited about continuing this great family experience and fundraiser for CtK!
May God always be with you and your families,
Your CtK Fall Festival Committee: Katy, Tricia, Courtney and Laura
CtK Fall Festival
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Fall Festival 2014 Thank you
Last year's Fall Festival was a huge success, and we sincerely give thanks to those who sponsored CtK School through this event. We welcome all continued or new sponsors for this year's Fall Festival 2015! May God Bless you, your family and your businesses for all that you do! And may all that we do be done for the glory of God!
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Raffle/Silent Auction Survey
Click on this title to access the survey.
The Fall Festival is a large fundraiser for CtK School. We want to continue each year's success and make this year's 2015 CtK Fall Festival one of the best yet! We would sincerely appreciate your continued or newly offered support. Whether or not you own a business, have an acquaintance or friend who does or is willing, please consider making a monetary, item or business donation. As a donor you will be recognized or you may remain anonymous. If you would like to have your donation printed on the school's raffle ticket, donations need to be obtained or committed by September 4th. We will gladly accept donations until the day of the festival, which is October 30th. Please e-mail us at fallfestivalctk@gmail.com if you have questions, comments or concerns.
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